Our Mission

Cedarbrook Psychiatric Clinic, LLC is committed to providing quality mental health care in a supportive setting. We offer a range of mental health services and believe in empowering patients and their families to take active roles in their own healing and care.

Our clinic is staffed by experienced, licensed professionals and caring support staff who strive to ensure that patients feel comfortable, safe, and supported throughout the course of their treatment.


What to Expect from Your First Visit

New patients will be asked to complete and email a patient registration packet at least one week before their first visit. Then you will meet with the psychiatrist to have a complete psychiatric evaluation, including a mental status evaluation and recommendations for medications and/or psychotherapy. We will prioritize getting a full picture of your history by communicating with past clinicians as necessary to complete the initial psychiatric evaluation.

Your questions will be answered by competent administrative staff who are always ready to help, M-T-Th-F .